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  1. Alejandro Saniger
  2. Constanza Delón
  3. Oscar Ruiz

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Category: Project

Description: This study uses anonymised GPS traces to explore travel patterns within six suburban zones and a central area in Mexico City. The descriptive analysis presented in this paper profiles trips by distance and investigates their distribution within each zone. It examines the prevalence of local trips, walkability, and the availability and spread of entertainment sites within 15-minute isochrones accessible by foot, bicycle, transit, and private vehicle. Notably, the central zone boasts diverse entertainment offerings, commendable walkability, and a substantial proportion of short and long trips. It is found that GPS traces are within their home. However, the share of long trips for the inhabitants of central zones is considerably more significant than that for the suburbs. The study highlights suburban zones that could benefit from governmental intervention to enhance transportation and pedestrian conditions. Additionally, it identifies other suburban zones that resemble the central areas in terms of walkability, trip distribution by distances, and the accessibility of entertainment places

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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