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Description: We investigated the response of the crystal structure, lattice parameters, and unit-cell volume of hydrous layered silicate phlogopite at conditions relevant to subduction zone settings. We have used first principles simulation based on density functional theory to calculate the equation of state and full elastic constant tensor. Based on the generalized gradient approximation, the full single crystal elastic constant tensor with monoclinic symmetry shows significant anisotropy with the compressional elastic constants: c11 = 181 GPa, c22 = 185 GPa, c33 = 62 GPa, the shear elastic constants c44 = 14 GPa, c55 = 20 GPa, c66 = 68 Ga, and c46 = -6 GPa; the off diagonal elastic constants c12 = 48 GPa, c13 = 12 GPa, c23 = 12 GPa, c15 = -16 GPa, c25 = -5 GPa and c35 = -1 GPa at zero pressure. The elastic anisotropy of phlogopite is lar- ger than most of the layered hydrous phases relevant in the subduction zone conditions. The shear anisotropy, AVS for phlogopite is ~77% at zero pressure condition and although it decreases upon com- pression it remains relatively high compared to other hydrous phases relevant in the subduction zone settings. We also note that the shear elastic constants for phlogopite are relatively low. Phlogopite also has a high isotropic bulk VP/VS ratio ~2.0. However, the VP/VS ratio also exhibits significant anisotropy with values as low as 1.49. Thus, phlogopite bearing metasomatized mantle could readily explain unusual VP/VS ratio as observed from seismological studies from the mantle wedge regions of the subduction zone.


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