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In this repository you will find the scripts and data necessary to reproduce the analyses reported in: Quiroga-Martinez, D. R., Hansen, N.C., Højlund, A., Pearce, M., Brattico, E., Holmes, E., Friston, K., & Vuust, P. (2021). Musicianship and melodic predictability enhance neural gain in auditory cortex during pitch deviance detection. Human Brain Mapping,1–14. The repository is linked with a Github repo were the scripts are stored. See the file of this repo for details about the code. The data are stored in three folders: 1- **data/**: this folder contains the original evoked responses for each participant. These data are stored in the files sub.dat, sub.mat and sub_DCM.mat, where "sub" is the numeric code of the subject. Subject codes under 25 belong to non-musicians. The folder also contains the output of the source localization, stored as volumes (e.g., sub_DCM_1_t70_300_f_cond.nii) for each condition, where cond 1 = LP standard, cond 2 = LP deviant, cond 3 = HP standard, cond 4 = HP deviant. In this folder the forward model for each subject can also be found (e.g. SPMgainmatrix_sub_DCM_1.mat). 2- **DCMs/**: this folder contains the DCM models for each participant and condition. 3- **source_stats/**: This folder contains the output of the source statistics as stored in the file SPM.mat. Volumetric renditions of different contrasts are also provided (e.g. spmF_0001.nii and beta_0001.nii).
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