**Link to the pre-registration:** https://aspredicted.org/blind.php?x=fa6ur8
The paper related to this project deviates in the following aspects from the preregistration:
1) we refrained from multilevel regression analyses (within-person effects) as we deemed them to go beyond the scope of this paper that focused on the differences between groups (pre/during the pandemic) and on the relationships between the variables on the between-person level
2) additional mediation analyses were performed to explore the relationships between need satisfaction and discrete emotions/teaching satisfaction
**Link to article:** https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0272738
**__Information on the files:__**
**Final dataset and main analyses are found in the files**
- 02__Script_final analyses
- 02_dataset final_final_anonymized_participants_aggregated_se-qu-min.1x_pub
**Additional files** contain the non-aggregated data, script for aggregation, data preparation, reliability analyses, and the scale creation
- 03__Script_data preparation, aggregation, reliabilities, scale creation
- 03a_dataset_anonymized_participants_non-aggregated_pub
- 03b_dataset_anonymized_participants_aggregated_pub
- 03c_dataset_nonnumeric-variables
Personal information has been omitted from the publsihed data.