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Category: Project

Description: This repository contains the data and replication materials for the project "Meta-Analyses of Variables Related to Instruction in Augmentative and Alternative Communication Implementation". The research described here is supported by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, through Grant R324A180110 to Texas A&M University. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not represent views of the Institute or the U.S. Department of Education (PI: J. B. Ganz, Texas A&M University; Co-PIs: James E. Pustejovsky, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Kimberly Vannest, Texas A&M University; Joe Reichle, University of Minnesota). The main project repository include the raw data files, R code for creating analytic datasets, and the cleaned data files used for analysis. Replication code for specific papers produced as part of the project is included in separate project components.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


Files in /Source data

  • Group raw data tables.xlsx: This workbook contains tables of study characteristics, participant characteristics, outcome data summary statistics extracted from source articles, and other information coded as part of the systematic review of group design studies.
  • SCD raw data tables.xlsx: This workbook contains the raw data tables of study characteristics, participant charact…


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Participant characteristics

Replication materials for the paper "Participant Characteristics Predicting Communication Outcomes in AAC Implementation for Individuals with ASD and ...

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Instructional contexts

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Communication outcomes

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Methodological Quality

Replication materials for the paper "A Case for Increased Rigor in AAC Research: A Methodological Quality Review"

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