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We use this wiki as codebook to describe the different columns of the open data set in more detail. ---------- **Walking Data** vp_gender gender of the participant [male/female] ---------- vp_code two digit participant number, subject 1,2 and 4 were authors of the experiment ---------- vp_sight did the participant have [normal/k (corrected)/u (uncorrected)] vision during the experiment. Participants with impaired vision were free to chose, if they wanted to wear their glasses or contact lenses during the experiment. ---------- vp_age age of the participant in years at the day of the experiment ---------- time time of the experiment in ms from 0 to length of the experiment ---------- trialnr number of the current trial ---------- phase each trial of the experiment was split in different phases: 0. init 1. room x 2. transition 3. etc ---------- dunkingtrial trial counter for the obstacle room (1-4) ---------- exp1_new_trial helping variable to reset the search room for each new trial ---------- x, y, z xyz- position of the HMD the participant was wearing ---------- rot1 -4 Rotation of the HMD the participant was wearing. Quaternions can be used to represent the orientation or rotation of a GameObject. This representation internally consists of four numbers (referenced in Unity as x, y, z & w) 1=W 2=x 3=y 4=z ---------- l1-3 Direction vector of the left eye (x,y,z) from the Tobii SDK ---------- l_origin_x,y,z Origin vector of the left eye (x,y,z) from the Tobii SDK ---------- l_schnittpunkt_x,y,z 3D junction point of the left eye direction vector and the virtual environment ---------- l_schnittpunkt_d Distance between the subject and the 3d junction point of the left eye direction vector and the virtual environment ---------- r1-3 Direction vector of the right eye (x,y,z) from the Tobii SDK ---------- r_origin_x,y,z Origin vector of the right eye (x,y,z) from the Tobii SDK ---------- r_schnittpunkt_x,y,z 3D junction point of the right eye direction vector and the virtual environment ---------- r_schnittpunkt_d Distance between the subject and the 3d junction point of the right eye direction vector and the virtual environment ---------- trigger_click state of the vive controller trigger as boolean variable [true = clicked, false = unclicked] ---------- trigger_intensity state of the vive controller trigger as continous variable [100 = clicked, 0 = unclicked] ---------- controller_x,y,z xyz- position of the vive controler the participant was using in her dominant hand. ---------- conrot_1-4 Rotation of the vive controller the participant was using. Quaternions can be used to represent the orientation or rotation of a GameObject. This representation internally consists of four numbers (referenced in Unity as x, y, z & w) 1=W 2=x 3=y 4=z ---------- buzzer state of the red button that could be clicked using the controller during the experiment. ---------- motor_x,y,z position of the ceiling motor that held the power cable for the laptop in the VR backpack ---------- baseline_schnittpunkt_x,y,z 3D junction point of the HMD direction vector and the virtual environment ---------- baseline_schnittpunkt_d Distance between the subject and the 3d junction point of the HMD direction vector and the virtual environment ---------- target_x,z position of the current target in the search room ---------- gbowl_x, z position of the goal bowl in the obstacle room ---------- obstacle_x, z position of the obstacle in in the obstacle room ---------- obstacle_mode obstacle condition ---------- room2angle at which direction were we walking to in the obstacle room (45° vs 135° condition) ---------- set1active, set2active which room was active ---------- body_x, y, z position of the body tracker ---------- bodrot_w,x,y,z Orientation of the body trackin in quartanions ---------- **Eye Tracking Calibration** eye_gaze_left_x,y,z Direction vector of the left eye (x,y,z) from the Tobii SDK ---------- eye_gaze_right_x,y,z Direction vector of the right eye (x,y,z) from the Tobii SDK ---------- eye_origin_left_x,y,z Origin vector of the right eye (x,y,z) from the Tobii SDK ---------- eye_origin_right_x,y,z Origin vector of the right eye (x,y,z) from the Tobii SDK ---------- eye_hit_left_x,y,z 3D junction point of the left eye direction vector and the target plane ---------- eye_hit_right_x,y,z 3D junction point of the right eye direction vector and the target plane ---------- target_x,y,z position of the visual target during the calibration ---------- time timestamp in ms ----------
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