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DNAmix 2021 Archive
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Description: This data archive is supplemental data in support of R.A. Hicklin, N. Richetelli, B.L. Emerick, R.A. Bever, J.M. Davoren, Variation in Assessments of Suitability and Number of Contributors for DNA Mixtures, (Submitted). (2023). See README for details. This archive includes the electropherograms (EPGs) for the 29 mixtures used in the DNAmix 2021 study, as PDF images. In total, the archive includes 130 distinct mixtures, including all Amp/CE versions of the mixtures. The EPGs in .HID format are available upon request, but require a signed data use agreement. The EPGs in .HID format may not be shared, even among co-workers: every individual who has access to the EPGs in .HID format must sign a separate data use agreement. Contact to request the .HID files. This dataset is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License (CC BY-ND 4.0), Attribution — - Any usage must include the following citation: DNAmix 2021 Archive (V1, Feb 2023). DOI: - Any usage must include a link to the CC BY-ND 4.0 license ( NoDerivatives — - You may not distribute any modifications of the dataset. This work was conducted by Noblis and Bode Technology, and supported by the National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice Award No. 2020-R2-CX-0049.