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Description: The multifaceted frequent attention to transgender and gender non-conforming experiences in the media and in the daily lives of so many individuals is a powerful motivator in research about the trans community and related communities. Medical research in/for/of these groups and documentation of the research products has been sparse and riddled with controversy. We see research on trans communities becoming more prevalent, as in the case of the newly created Johns Hopkins Transgender Health Research Collaborative, and questions are emerging about data management and access surrounding avenues of research in the realm of trans medical care. This presentation will identify key questions and nascent ideas from experiences as a data management consultant at JHU . From access to discovery, to ensuring the safety of a vulnerable and extremely diverse group, this presentation seeks to illuminate how bias can complicate practices, how we can begin to address the questions we need to answer, and will put forth steps to deliver quality data management services to researchers and the trans community as a whole.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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