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# Correlation Does Not Imply Compensation: Complexity and Irregularity in the Lexicon This repository contains code for the paper Correlation Does Not Imply Compensation: Complexity and Irregularity in the Lexicon (Doucette, Cotterell, Sonderegger, and O'Donnell 2024), presented at [SCiL 2024]( It contains submodules forked from [phonotactic-complexity]( and [neural-transducer]( Run the following commands to set up the submodules after cloning this repository: ``` git submodule init git submodule update ``` The data used to produce the figures in the paper can be found in three files on OSF [here](, [here](, and [here]( To reproduce the plots and run regression models from the paper: ``` mkdir figs-final Rscript r/figures-models.R ``` Appendix plots, along with additional plots of individual languages, can be generated with: ``` Rscript r/appendix-figures.R ``` To reproduce the data used in the figures, follow these steps. Steps 3 and 4 involve training neural networks, and benefit from running on a GPU -- they will not complete in a reasonable amount of time on a single CPU. ### 1. Download Data ``` make download_unimorph make download_northeuralex make download_wikipron ``` ### 2. Process Unimorph Get G2P transcription: ``` python src/ ``` Preprocess data: ``` ./scripts/ ``` ### 3. Phonotactic Complexity Parse data and train model: ``` ./scripts/ ``` Get phonotactic complexity scores for UniMorph: ``` ./scripts/ ``` ### 4. Morphological Complexity ``` ./scripts/ ``` ### 5. Frequency Data ``` ./scripts/ ./scripts/ ``` ### 6. Make Data CSV ``` python src/ ``` ## Requirements Python 3.11.5 ``` epitran==1.24 gensim==4.3.2 langcodes==3.3.0 numpy==1.25.2 pandas==2.1.0 torch==2.3.0 tqdm==4.66.2 nltk==3.8.1 smart_open==6.4.0 ``` R 4.3.3 ``` broom.mixed_0.2.9.4 ggthemes_5.1.0 lme4_1.1-35.3 tidyverse_2.0.0 ```
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