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Description: Childfree adults do not have or want children, and voluntarily opt out of parenthood. Although this group is large (more than one-fifth of some adult populations), its members are often subjected to negative stereotypes about their behavior, obligations, personal characteristics, and future outcomes. These negative stereotypes are important because they have implications for childfree adults' stigmatization. To help measure individuals' stereotyped views of childfree adults, we use data on a representative sample of 1,000 Michigan adults to develop and validate the Stereotypes about Childfree Adults (SAChA) scale. We demonstrate that this four-item scale exhibits (1) high internal consistency, (2) scalar invariance with respect to sex, race/ethnicity, and education, and (3) known-groups, convergent, and discriminant validity. We conclude by discussing potential applications of this scale for understanding stereotypes of individuals' reproductive decisions.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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