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FEMINIST PLANNING Feminist movement + municipalism > feministisation (de-patriarcalisation) of politics. As Godard said in relation to cinema: it’s not the same to do feminist policies than to do politics in a feminist way” Not only a femnist city by design, but by decission-making. Spatial design reflect politics but it needs other designs to change those politics: Reclaiming planning as the capacity to makes plans for the future Amaya Pérez Orozco talks about “This outrageous thing” – la “Cosa Escandalosa” – the articulation of capitalims, colonialims and patriarchy- the option to make a future where the possiility of a life worth living is at the center – the articulation of feminism, commons and decolinial approaches – to face the ecological (social, environmental and mental) consecuences Reivindicaciones - Años 90 gestión del tiempo - sociólogas italianas seguridad – habitar el espacio público - «marchas exploratorias» - feministas canadienses / adaptado posteriormente por compañeras latinoamericanas. infraestructuras de la vida cotidiana - feministas escandinavas STAVROS Urban commons is the contempary version of the right to the city. Collective creativity. Space is a capacity that makes us think and act throught space public space is designed to support certain governmental. Commons spaces as thresholds – 0pening the possibility of change / used in performance: threshold crossing – transmit the idea of change. They show and mediated the change. Based on two conditions: Commoning can only surviving by expanding. !! - establishing processes of comparability – here and elsewhere – create opportunity of negotiation and exchanges - translatability – creat forms of communication and knowledge sharing . It alwatys produces excess and voids – there is always a potential to fill or re-use. The potential to use the meaning in another else. Commons groud without reducing complexity >> it is not a cndition that has to be added. Ranslation is always a vising the otherness of others. Osmotic relation between the catual and the possible – The exposure of otherness of the condition for thresholds. 3 examples: > Occupied City Plaza Hotel – between cultures. > Cooperativa La Toma – cooperativa / mercado: restaurant, ultural xentres and the area where the feminist movement. > CIDECI – San Cristobal de las Casa – Centro ïndígena de Capatización Integral. - knowledges & histories. Commons spaces as potential activators of different kinds of life. MALIQ Extensions – the incipience of differences without separanility territories that remain unsettled. Half full – half empty / have works and half doesn’t re-pruposing - things will (not) work accordIngly to plan. Paying attention in new ways – what has to do with us and our capacity to act “tactical improvisation in the midts of sociality failling apart” locality as specificity Denise Ferreira da Silva – differences withiut separability “locality rendered operational” – extension of localities Tina Campt – adjacency QUESTION How knowledge about the city is produced and shared – consolidate a particular places: the right ot buildt, the construction of a certain position. For a larger of youth – in Sao Paulo: the knowledge of the city to mooove other kind merchandise. - how do you move collectively. AbdouMaliq: “discovering the incipient formation of new cities and urban regions in the intricate relational meshes of how things get done, a city and region that are more inclusive and which maximize the resourcefulness of their inhabitants, that suggest new ways for institutions to concretely connect with their constituents, and for the practices of residents to inform the operations of those very institutions.” AbdouMaliq: “to build viable institutions capable of engaging with the complexities of life” Stavros: “the conditions through which we can test forms of social organization - possible spaces become the meaNs for both envisioning and testing those forms”:
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