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Date created: 2018-03-19 10:56 PM | Last Updated: 2024-01-20 04:18 AM

Identifier: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/ARZWN

Category: Communication

Description: UNLV Libraries are participating in the development of campus infrastructure and services to support data discovery, curation, and preservation. Positioning the Libraries as a partner in and space for this development, we organized a faculty Research Data Management unConference during our campus Research Week. We envisioned the unConference as a forum for faculty from across campus to engage with each other and librarians; it was also intended as a way for the Libraries to learn about faculty needs around research data management, identifying potential partners, problems, and areas of support. Invited speakers from across campus gave short presentations on different aspects of data management, followed by in-depth discussions of participant-selected topics relevant to RDM. The interactions we facilitated, and the feedback we received, helped inform our next steps as the Libraries move the RDM conversation forward. This presentation will cover the process of organizing and facilitating an unConference, successful elements, and lessons learned in outreach and faculty engagement. This poster was presented at Research Data Access and Preservation Summit 2018:

License: Other


UNLV Libraries are participating in the development of campus infrastructure and services to support data discovery, curation, and preservation. Positioning the Libraries as a partner in and space for this development, we organized a faculty Research Data Management unConference during our campus Research Week. We envisioned the unConference as a forum for faculty from across campus to engage with…


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alternative communicationdataeventslibrariesposterRDAPrdap18rdap2018RDMResearch Data ManagementunConference

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