Main content
- Nils Karl Reimer
- Julia C. Becker
- Angelika Benz
- Oliver Christ
- Kristof Dhont
- Ulrich Klocke
- Sybille Neji
- Magdalena Rychlowska
- Miles Hewstone
- Katharina Schmid
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Category: Analysis
Description: Analyses scripts for Reimer et al. (in press)
Please cite as:
Reimer, N. K., Becker, J. C., Benz, A., Christ, O., Dhont, K., Klocke, U., ... Hewstone, M. (in press). Intergroup contact and social change: Implications of negative and positive contact for collective action in advantaged and disadvantaged groups. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
All page numbers refer to the pre-print shared on OSF; models are numbered in order…
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