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The POWER Issues in Data Management in Education Research Hub was established in January 2022. The group was started to provide a way to share research data management knowledge among peers. Through monthly meetups and ongoing presentations, the hub provides support, training, and resources to women and under-represented gender groups in the education research community. Currently the group meets remotely throughout the academic year in the following ways. 1. Member meetups: These are informal, agenda-free meetups, where members can come to ask questions, discuss topics of interest, or get feedback on data management practices. 2. Topical presentations: These are one hour presentations from Hub members or experts in the field of data management on topics of interest. Slides from past presentations are available on our OSF page. 3. We also maintain a Slack workspace for members to share resources and ask questions as needed. To learn more about the larger POWER organization, visit: To learn more about the hub, read our recent [blog post][1] with the Center for Open Science. Interested in joining our Hub? Reach out to one of our co-organizers and we will add you to our listserv! **Co-organizer:** Crystal Lewis **Contact:** **Co-organizer:** Gizem Solmaz-Ratzlaff **Contact:** **Co-organizer:** Rebekah Jacob **Contact:** **Co-organizer:** Callie Little **Contact:** [1]:
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