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COBIDAS checklist
- Remi Gau
- Cassandra Gould van Praag
- Tim van Mourik
- Kristina Wiebels
- Federico G Adolfi
- Cristina Scarpazza
- Ilona Ruotsalainen
- Angie Tepper
- Zsuzsika Sjoerds
- Jeremy Simon
- Eduard Klapwijk
- Ruud Hortensius
- James E Bartlett
- David Moreau
Date created: | Last Updated:
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Category: Project
Description: Using a checklist to help with more thorough and transparent methods and result reporting in neuroimaging.
A checklist for methods and results reporting for neuroimaging studies
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This checklist is still work in progress. The current prototype has been built using the 88 metadata items list used by the Neurovault website when uploading your neuroimaging results.
We are currently working to create a more complete checklist as described in the OHBM COBIDAS reports for MRI, fMRI, …
Files can now be accessed and managed under the Files tab.