**Q&A Sessions**
There will be two Q&A sessions:<br>
Tues. Sept. 8: 10-11am London time. <br>
Wed. Sept. 9: 9-10am London time. <br>
You can also contact chark@uni-potsdam.de if you have any questions regarding the Q&A.
**Zoom links:** <br> Tues: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82563732164?pwd=clJYUzl2cGFsVmoxekoyUmszdTlhQT09 (Passcode 236534); <br> <br> Wed: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83602385519?pwd=NDltbDRweGNxU3NjL2tKaXRsbHhndz09 (Passcode: 685188)
Based on experiments in three different languages, we provide evidence for
the claims the universal quantifier all 1) can be focussed and contributes
at-issue content, and 2) functions as a homogeneity remover in embedded