Our FEBRUARY 2022 through JUNE 2022 contests use data from [Olshan, Vitiello, & Ratliff (2021)][1]
You can find the data for this study [here][2].
Your tasks for the PsiChiR contest include:
Level 1: Exclude participants with missing “STEMTotal” value
Level 2: Calculate descriptive statistics for the IAT variable
Level 3: Create a box and dot plot of the IAT variable
Level 4: Calculate a one-sample t-test testing whether the sample's mean IAT score is different from zero
In order to complete each level, you need to complete all levels before (so in order to complete level 4, you also need to do 1, 2, and 3 correctly).
For tips on getting started with R, start here: http://bit.ly/psichirtutorial
Submit your work [here][3].
[1]: https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.psichi.org/resource/resmgr/journal_2021/26_3_Olshan.pdf
[2]: https://osf.io/2qu67/?view_only=dcb2a654248447e6bc2530c0f708093f
[3]: https://forms.gle/jz9DkzjV5AAp7YK5A