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This project is about adapting chi-squared-based SEM fit indices for Bayesian SEM. The project is carried out by: - Mauricio Garnier-Villarreal ([faculty page][1]) - Terrence D. Jorgensen ([faculty page][2]) The manuscript was accepted for [publication in *Psychological Methods*][3] in April 2019. The accepted version of the manuscript is available in the **Files** section of this project, and supplemental materials are organized as follows: - **Simulation**: All materials related to our Monte Carlo simulation investigating the sampling behavior of SEM and BSEM fit indices. This contains 3 subfolders: - **R syntax**: source code for conducting our Monte Carlo study - **data**: the results of our Monte Carlo simulation - **figures**: figures summarizing results across conditions. Some are included in the manuscript, and others are supplementary online materials. - **Application**: An illustrative example applied to a real data set, demonstrating how the proposed fit indices can be calculated using the R package [blavaan][4]. Note that the simulation was run on a high-performance computing cluster, not a personal desktop or laptop (which could have taken years). Those interested in replicating the results in the "data" folder would need to adapt the R syntax file "run_simulation_on_HPC.R", but could still utilize the functions in the file "functions_for_simulation.R". The source code in "functions_for_blavaan.R" has since been incorporated into the R package [blavaan][4] (see the "blavFitIndices" function). [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]:
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