The wiki contains description text to use on calendar and notes for future revisions.
This component contains the materials to conduct the Data-driven Visualizations workshop.
To view previous versions of slides or handouts (to match the workshop you attended), use OSF's file versioning to download the version dated before the workshop you attended. Otherwise, you will download the most recent version.
### Materials
The wording to use in OU Libraries Event Page is given here in the wiki.
The github repository contains files to be used for giving the workshop.
The handout "Chart of Charts" should be printed out and a copy provided to each participant.
The activities slides (activities.pptx) contain visualizations for use in the activities.
The outline contains the topics to be covered and all information needed for the presentation, including suggested grouping size and whiteboard info.
### Credits
The handout idea was adapted from [choosing a good chart][1].
Workshop concepts are adapted from *The Visual Display of Quantitative Information* by Edward Tufte ([call number QA 276.3 .T83 1983][2]).