Our OCTOBER 2021 through JANUARY 2022 contests use data from [Goyette & Spencer (2021)][1].
https://osf.io/v4yhu/ contains information about the study.
https://osf.io/9chb7/ contains an SPSS (.sav) file, that can be imported into R using the "foreign" package. [Here are instructions on doing this][2].
CONTEST: **December** **2021**
Your tasks for the PsiChiR contest include:
Level 1:
Using “Year,” put freshmen and sophomores into one group and juniors/seniors into another group
Level 2:
Determine frequencies for this new variable – how many participants are in each new group
Level 3:
Visually compare these two groups on means for HCTotal
Level 4:
Statistically compare these two groups on means for HCTotal
In order to complete each level, you need to complete all levels before (so in order to complete level 4, you also need to do 1, 2, and 3 correctly).
For tips on getting started with R, start here: http://bit.ly/psichirtutorial
Submit your work [here][3].
[1]: https://www.psichi.org/resource/resmgr/journal_2021/26_2_goyette.pdf
[2]: https://www.r-bloggers.com/2014/03/how-to-open-an-spss-file-into-r/
[3]: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeDy1XZzDOnaopL-4WF_BnpD5LAVeL-BxmfPPR5q4NoJx_6zw/viewform