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New Education Policy Of India 2020  /

  1. Roshni Saikia, PhD Rese... Guwahati, Assam, India

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Category: Communication

Description: ABSTRACT The New Education Policy 2020, which has recently come into force, appears to be quite promising and holds a global vision to give the Indian Education System a new dimension, enabling the students to become more skilful and competent. The policy aims to replace the age-old system of memorizing and passing exams with real-life practice and would offer wide choices of subjects and courses, including vocational training to the students, which would fuel their practical skills, critical thinking ability, problem-solving ability, and competency. However, some vital challenges need to be addressed, which the paper seeks to do. The article explores the new education policy's various facets and further analyses it through a systematic review. In this paper, we identify the model's salient features and throw light on its critical weaknesses. To bring about an effective and sustainable education system, careful long-term strategic thinking is necessary to develop people's capabilities. However, the policy cannot be rated by just debating the points it carries. It can only be placed after analyzing its impact after it is discussed, practised, and implemented. Keywords: Economic change, student-centric, progressive policy, economic growth, public expenditure, public domain, Indian education


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