**Supplemental materials**
## Classifying Acoustic Signals into Phoneme Categories:
### *Average and Dyslexic Readers Make Use Of Complex Dynamical Patterns and Self-Affine Temporal Structure*
### The **Github** repository contains MatLab scripts:
* `Hasselman2014_extractmeasures.m`: Extract the measures used in QDA, based on the speech stimuli in STIMULI.
* `Hasselman2014_Fig1-10.m`: Recreate Figure 1 to 10.
* `Hasselman2014_Fig11-12_tab8.m`: Recreate Figure 11 and 12 by performing QDA. Table 8 lists QDA results.
* `crp_edit.m`: Adjusted version of the CRP Toolbox function. It will return the value of the threshold when RR is fixed.
* **Classifiaction - QDA:** Folder with Matlab scripts (by M. Little) needed to run the Quadratic Discriminant Analysis with bootstrapped Confidence Intervals. Some minor edits to the original.
*See the Wiki pages more details.*
### The files in the **OSF storage** are:
* **DATA:**
1. Raw spreadsheet data (`.xlsx`)
2. Output from MLWiN modeling of the multilevel logistic model (`.xlsx`)
3. Matlab (`.mat`) data files needed by the scripts.
* **STIMULI:** The stimulus set (`.wav`) used in the labelling experiments. These files are used by the Matlab scripts to extract stimulus features.
* **FORMANT TABLES:** A list of the formant tracks for each stimulus extracted by the Praat program (`.txt`). These are used by the Matlab scripts.
* **ARTICLE_TEX:** The `LaTeX` version of the article.
*See the Wiki pages more details.*
Fred Hasselman 2014