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Date created: 2022-08-19 03:44 PM | Last Updated: 2023-12-15 01:25 PM
Category: Project
Description: The German list of extrapolated affective norms (GLEAN) entails norms for valence, arousal, imageability and concreteness for more than 900.000 German words.
The German list of extrapolated affective norms (GLEAN)
Lüdtke, J. & Hugentobler, K.G. (2022). Using emotional word ratings to extrapolated norms for valence, arousal, imagebility and concreteness: The German list of extrapolated affective norms (GLEAN). In: Ferstl, E., Konieczny, L., von Stülpnagel, R., Beck, J., and Zacharski, L., (Eds.). Proceedings of KogWis2022, the 5th Biannual Conference of…
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