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***Study 1*** **Abstract** We examine if gender affects the disapproval of norm violations in same- and cross- gender friendships, especially if the violations are committed by your romantic partner’s friend as opposed to your own friend. In the original study by Felmlee, Sinclair, and Sweet (2012), results revealed that the disapproval of norm violations depend upon the gender of both judge and offender, with women holding higher standards and being held to higher standards than men. The current study replicates and expands on Felmlee et al. (2012) by examining whether harsher judgments emerge in cross-gender friendships when the norm violation is committed by friends of the participants’ romantic partner. Participants were randomly assigned to read a set of seven vignettes that vary according to our 2 (friend type: own vs. partner’s) x 2 (friend gender: male vs. female) x 7 (type of norm violated; see Argyle & Henderson’s 1984 “Rules of Friendship” – within-subjects) mixed factorial design. They subsequently rated the (in)appropriateness of each violation. We also examined whether dispositional jealousy moderates reactions to the infractions of a partner’s friend using Pfeiffer and Wong’s (1989) Multidimensional Jealousy Scale. Our results provided replicated support for Felmlee et al (2012) with women disapproving more of friendship violations than men. There was no significant finding for multidimensional jealousy; however, we did find a double standard between a participants own friends and their partner’s friends, in which their partner’s friends were judged harsher for physical violations. However, the reverse was found when friends violated rules of emotional closeness, especially by female participants. **References** Argyle, M., & Henderson, M. (1984). The Rules of Friendship. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 1(2), 211-237. Felmlee, D., Sweet, E., & Sinclair, H. C. (2012). Gender rules: Same- and cross-gender friendships norms. Sex Roles, 66(7-8), 518-529. Gomillion, S., Gabriel, S., & Murray, S. L. (2014). A friend of yours is no friend of mine: Jealousy toward a romantic partner's friends. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 5(6), 636-643. Pfeiffer, S. M., & Wong, P. T. (1989). Multidimensional jealousy. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 6(2), 181-196.
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