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Description: This is a replication and extension of a 2012 study by Felmlee, Sweet, and Sinclair. We examine if gender affects the disapproval of friendship norm violations in same- and cross- gender friendships, especially if the violations are committed by your romantic partner’s friend as opposed to your own friend. Our results provided replicated support for Felmlee, Sweet, and Sinclair (2012) with women disapproving more of friendship violations than men. We also found a double standard between a participant's own friends and their partner’s friends, in which their partner’s friends were judged harsher for physical violations. However, the reverse was found when friends violated rules of emotional closeness, especially by female participants. We are continuing this study with a replication of Smith, Sinclair, and Goldberg (in progress) and extension by including the Mate Retention Inventory - Short Form (Buss, Shackelford, & McKibbin, 2008). We hope to find a significant relationship between mate retention behaviors and perceived acceptability of friendship violations.


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