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**Changes to the pre-registration on June 27th, 2022** - Replaced *childbearing* with *reproductive patterns* in the title: This change was made in order to find a term that includes both children born to female lymphoma survivors and children born to partners of male lymphoma survivors. - The ICD-10 code *Z71.1* was replaced by *Z71.7* in the definition of HIV history: The code *Z71.1* has been falsely used in the previous version of the Swedish CCI. In the current version the code has been replace by *Z11.7* including counseling for HIV. - The ICD-O code *9700/3* (Mycosis fungoides) has been moved from the aggressive lymphoma subtype category to the indolent lymphoma category. - The ICD-O code *9702/3* (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma, NOS) has been moved from the indolent lymphoma subtype category to the aggressive lymphoma category. - Thomas S. Larsen has been added to the research team.
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