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Description: Part research outcomes from TIPD at TMDT: Taiwan Indigenous Peoples’ Multidimensional Table Data 1_CopyLeft(L) 2013-2024, Council of Indigenous Peoples (, Taiwan. 2_Acknowledgement: The reserach outcomes are part of research outcomes from the research program "Research on Contemporary Taiwan Indigenous Peoples" (, which is mainly supported by Council of Indigenous Peoples in 2013-2022. The research is also granted by National Science and Technology Council, grant numbers: MOST 106-2420-H-001-008-MY2; MOST 106-2420-H-156-001-MY2; MOST 109-2420-H-001-003; MOST 109-2420-H-156-001; NSTC 112-2410-H-001-075-MY2. We appreciate some research grants from Academia Sinica. 3_誌謝:本計畫是"台灣原住民基礎開放研究資料庫" (TIPD, 部分成果,主要由原住民族委員會支援研究經費;國科會亦支持本計畫之相關計畫,計畫編號:MOST 106-2420-H-001-008-MY2; MOST 106-2420-H-156-001-MY2; MOST 109-2420-H-001-003; MOST 109-2420-H-156-001; NSTC 112-2410-H-001-075-MY2;我們亦感謝中研院支持部分研究經費。 4_連絡Contact E-mail: 為何是CopyLEFT/Why CopyLEFT: "CopyLEFT (L)" is an effective way of building mutual trust that leads to mutual understanding, collaboration, and innovation. "CopyLeft(L)"是促進互信的有效方式,其公開特質將進一步促進相互理解、協同合作、及創新。 語言/Languages: TIPD is bilingual in English and traditional Chinese TIPD以雙語資訊呈現,包括英文及繁體中文 資料來源引用 Citation of data source: If TIPD helps overcoming data & information constraints in your research & work, please kindly acknowledge TIPD's contribution. We will be highly encouraged! 如果TIPD對您研究工作有助益,請不吝引用或說明為研究資料來源,這對我們是另種形式鼓勵! 連絡方式及通報錯誤/Contact and report errata: E-mail: 電子郵件: 《當代台灣原住民族:堅毅不屈,燦爛花開》 1940年至2000年間,台灣原住民族資料變的相當稀缺,這不僅使得台灣原住民各類發展被邊緣化,亦使原住民在台灣逐漸”被消失”。2000年戶口及住宅普查再度恢復原住民普查是為重大里程碑,但2010年後台灣實質人口普查已不復存在,陳年問題依舊無解。為解決原住民基礎資料缺乏問題,原住民族委員會自2013 ~ 2022計十年,不預設立場及充份尊重學術專業獨立及自主性,給與研究計畫支持。感謝十年研究期間三位主任委員支持:孫大川(計畫推動者)、林江義、及夷將.拔路兒。計畫實際執行期間,行政支援及協調最大貢獻者,為原民會綜合規劃處王瑞盈前處長,若無他專業支援及豐富行政經驗,本計畫實難以順利進行,研究團隊在這裡公開對王前處長表示衷心感謝。 計畫主持人亦感謝共同主持人李明政教授,兩人十年合作的默契及情誼。這十年期間,原民會在研究經費、資料、計算機硬體設備、及行政給予大力協助,國科會亦給予多年期研究經費支持,使研究團隊終能放手一博,不再受限資料及計算設備匱乏限制。主持人在2013年已深知這是非常難得機會,錯過將不復返,因此這十年期間全心投入,以科學計算技術和資料科學學理,運用高效能及超級運算設備,全力投入原住民基礎研究,建立各類大型開放資料庫,且不設任何限制開放供國內外自由使用(參考TIPD: 台灣原住民基礎開放研究資料庫。 這研究採用的方法及技術非常先進,成果早已受到國際重要學研單位注意。國際著名"開放科學研究中心" (COS, Center for Open Science,參考 及簡介 ),主動連繫及邀請主持人進行視訊專訪,訪談內容是有關當代台灣原住民及原住民基礎開放研究資料庫之研究緣起、過程、方法、影響、未來發展,及過去15年,及研究如何用開放資料、開放科學、及科學計算,使"瀕臨消失"被邊緣化的台灣原住民,如何重新浮上抬面及成為顯性人口。COS將訪談內容整理以文字稿公布,閱讀者為全球專家,因此影響深遠,訪問稿原文連結網址如下: COS設計及完成之"開放科學架構"(OSF, Open Science Framework, 參考 ),目前是全球研究計畫最大註冊中心,超過60萬全球研究人員在此登記註冊。放在OSF的TIPD就是COS最重要架構,目前已是全球最大開放科學及研究計晝註冊單位,影響力相當大。2013計晝剛開始時,COS也才剛成立,OSF架構亦在草創階段,2015年初我決定將都原計晝重要產出TIPD放在OSF時,當時全球也才只有五百多個研究計晝放在OSF公開;主持人在OSF草創階段,以TIPD放在OSF之經驗,至少有四年時間主持人亦同時幫OSF提出架構如何改善及建議,和OSF合作密切,所以他們也深知原民會支持之研究計晝和TIPD研究通程,TIPD和OSF可謂是同步成長。 十年尚難磨一劍,完成基礎研究及克服核心問題後,真正重頭戲才要開始。很榮幸及欣慰能再次將台灣原住民,全面推向國際舞台! 當代台灣原住民相關資料 Related Projects TIPs on OSF: 1. Lin, Ji-Ping, Ming-Cheng Lee, Hiu Ha Chong, Li-Chuan Liu, Kui Kasirisir, and HSIN-CHUNG WANG. 2024. “TIPD: Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Open Research Data 台灣原住民基礎開放研究資料庫.” OSF May 8. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/E4RVZ. 2. Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “TPDD: Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Population Dynamics Open Data 台灣原住民族人口動態開放資料.” OSF May 7. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/UKJGS. 3. Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “TMDT: Taiwan Indigenous Peoples’ Multidimensional Table Data 台灣原住民族多維表資料庫.” OSF . May 7. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/A23EC. 4. Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “TICT: Taiwan Indigenous Peoples’ Contingency Tables 台灣原住民族基礎列聯表.” OSF May 7. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/9NRWD. 5. Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “TIHD: Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Household Structure Open Data 台灣原住民族家戶結構基礎開放資料庫.” OSF May 7. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/ZBWEK. 6. Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “TICD: Taiwan Indigenous Communities Open Data 台灣原住民族部落開放資料庫.” OSF May 7. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/ESW67. 7. Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “iqTICD: Integrated Query System of Taiwan Indigenous Community Open Data 台灣原住民族部落開放資料庫綜合查詢系統.” OSF May 7. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/RFE6P. 8. Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “TIHV: Taiwan Indigenous People’s High-Resolution Visualization of Population Distribution, Migration Dynamics, Traditional Communities by Ethnic Groups 當代台灣原住民高解析度視覺化圖形資料庫:人口分布、遷徙、傳統部落.” OSF May 8. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/V8ZK3. 9. Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “TIMD: Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Migration Dynamics 台灣原住民各族群遷徙動態.” OSF May 7. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/6RPZ9. 10. Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “iqTICD on Google: Taiwan Indigenous Communities Open Data Query System on Google 台灣原住民族部落開放資料庫Google綜合查詢系統.” Google 11. Migration dynamics of hard-to-reach population in the context of regional inequality: Longitudinal research in Taiwan Introduction Introduction: Legal and ethical issues are a top priority in academic research. Building open data is not a goal of the joint research program at its initial stage. However, one crucial question is: why does the joint research program bother to build TIPD? It all comes from concerns about privacy, confidentiality, legal, and ethical issues. Because only the PI is allowed to access the micro individual data sets and not all research team members are specialized in coping with complex issues of raw data and/or in conducting scientific computing, it becomes urgent to design a way that allows massive raw data sets to be processed and transformed to a set of data in a systematic and automated way. To overcome the aforementioned challenges and issues, I design a method by reorganizing information of complex source data into a simple multi-dimensional table to overcome ethic and legal issues as well as privacy protection. All computing tasks are conducted in a closed, supervised data lab of the government funding agency (1) to extract valuable info embedded in confidential micro data of the household registration system, and (2) to enrich extracted info through the processes of cleaning, cleansing, crunching, reorganizing, and reshaping the source data to produce a number of data sets that contain no individual info and thus can be opened to the public to promote open administrative data analytics study. To build TIPD big archival data, the research builds automated data processing procedures. The transformed new sets of data must fit two criteria: first, they must preserve the main features and most information embedded in raw data; second, they must resolve privacy, confidentiality, and thus legal issues; third, they must comply with academic research ethical requirements. With such issues revolved, the built data sets fit the criteria of open data and thus can be utilized directly by the research team members. Because the built open TIPD data sets have been proven effective in promoting the efficiency of the joint research program, the author thus decided to open TIPD to the public, a ray of hope in promoting efficiency, collaboration, mutual trust, and transparency in Taiwan Indigenous Peoples studies. That is why “CopyLeft(L)” is highlighted as a main feature of TIPD. To create open data, the author decided to adopt “old-school” multi-dimensional tables (MDTs), as illustrated in Figure 1, as a simple but effective alternative to protect privacy while keeping the embedded information of source data sets nearly intact. The foundation of MDTs essentially resembles that of modern distributed storage/processing systems like Google’s, Apache Hadoop, etc.. The main reasons for adopting the MDT method are twofold. First, the learning curve of modern distributed file/storage/computing systems is very demanding for team members. Second, building TIPD does not require such a complex system. Fortunately, by reviewing the foundation of the aforementioned contemporary distributed file/storage/computing systems, the author found that their foundation resembles that of classical “old-school” multi-dimensional tables that have been used by, e.g., Statistics Canada and the US Census Bureau for a very long period. As a result, the research adopts conventional multi-dimensional tables as a means for “distributed data storage” and “centralized data integration”.

License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) 3.0


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TIMD : Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Migration Dynamics 台灣原住民各族群遷徙動態

Part research outcomes from TIPD at TIMD : Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Migration Dynamics 台灣原住民各族群遷徙動態 1_CopyLeft(L) 2013-2024, C...

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TIHV : Taiwan Indigenous People’s High-resolution Visualization of Population Distribution, Migration Dynamics, Traditional Communities by Ethnic Groups 當代台灣原住民高解析度視覺化圖形資料庫:人口分布、遷徙、傳統部落

Part research outcomes from TIPD at TIHV : Taiwan Indigenous People’s High-resolution Visualization of Population Distribution, ...

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TICT: Taiwan Indigenous Peoples’ Contingency Tables 台灣原住民族基礎列聯表

Part research outcomes from TIPD at TICT: Taiwan Indigenous Peoples’ Contigency Tables 1_CopyLeft(L) 2013-2024, Council of Indig...

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