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Affiliated institutions: University of Virginia, Center For Open Science

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Category: Project

Description: The aim is to specify a standard by which we can say that a scientific study has been conducted in accordance with open-science principles and provide visual icons to allow advertising of such good behaviours.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International

Badges to Acknowledge Open Practices | Discussion


Openness is a core value of scientific practice.

Expand this wiki to access many resources contained on this page, including language for self-disclosure statements and recommendations regarding incorporating the badges into the publication process.

There is no central authority determining the validity of scientific claims. Accumulation of scientific knowledge proceeds via open communication wit…


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Badges to Acknowledge Open Practices: A Simple, Low Cost, Effective Method for Increasing Transparency

This investigation seeks to evaluate the impact of badges on the availability and accessibility of open data and materials.

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badgesopen dataopen materialsOpen scienceregistrationreproducibility

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