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Each behavioural .mat file contains 4 variables: - TimeLog is a TrialNumber x FrameNumber matrix containing timestamps of each frame during SSVEP stimulation - S is a struct with main experiment settings (trial structure, conditions etc) - SP is a struct listing each trial, which condition it belongs to, which objects were cued and probed, and stimulation paramters (number of objects, starting angles, speed, collision type, flicker frequency) - R is a struct listing each trial with participants' responses including RT (in ms) and correctness (1 when both correct, 0.5 when 1 correct, 0 when none correct) Each EEG file contains data from 68 channels (64 scalp and EOG) at 256 Hz. Trigger codes 1-6 mark the start of each trial with the following condition mapping: - Trigger code 1: attend two 10.9 Hz targets - Trigger code 2: attend two 13.3 Hz targets - Trigger code 3: attend four 10.9 Hz targets - Trigger code 4: attend four 13.3 Hz targets - Trigger code 5: attend six 10.9 Hz targets - Trigger code 6: attend six 13.3 Hz targets
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