# Introduction
This data was collected from August 1st to 17th, 2017 in 11 schools in Karnataka, India during the roll-out of a tablet-based game whose aims were a) to educate teens about reproductive health and b) collect data on teens' life goals. The data available here were either collected in-game or derived from a pencil-and-paper post-game questionnnaire. The associated paper is currently under review and will be linked to once published. Code from the project is available [here][1].
The design metaphor for the game is a player walking through the valley of life, encountering 5 milestones: Become an Adult, Finish Schooling, Meet a Future Spouse, Get Married, Have Children. At each milestone, players unlock a mini-game that teaches them about puberty, intercourse, reproduction, and conception, respectively. At the beginning of each mini-game, players are asked to indicate the age at which they hope to reach the milestone and the main influencers on their decisions regarding the milestone. For example, a player could indicate that she wants to be 22 when she has her first child and that her mother and teacher are the most important influences on this decision. A video of gameplay and more information about the project are available at the [My Future Family website][2]. The game was built in Unity version 5.5.
**NOTE: The links in column names are an OSF bug! Links are unrelated to the project, a help ticket has been submitted.**
### Short Descriptions:
* **all_game_data.csv**: All in-game events, including timestamps and device IDs.
* **demog.csv**: Demographic data from all_game_data.csv, reformatted for ease of use.
* **milestones.csv**: Milestone events from all_game_data.csv, with less relevant column names removed.
* **minigames.csv**: Minigame events from all_game_data.csv, with less relevant column names removed.
* **questionnaire.csv**: Data collected from the post-game questionnaire.
# Detailed Documentation
### all_game_data.csv
All in-game events, including timestamps and device IDs. 15,653 rows, where each row represents a single sub-event in a single game.
* **device.id**: alphanumeric. Unique ID of tablet
* **user.id**: int, range 1-393, 379 values. Unique ID of player.
* **event.id**: int, range 1-7708, 7614 values. Unique ID of each event across all games.
* **event.type**: char. One of "DE" (demographics events), "MI" (milestone events), or "MG" (minigame events).
* **event.name**: char. Descriptor of event. Possible values vary by event.type:
* **Demographics**
* "Demographics"
* **Milestones**
* "adult"
* "children"
* "graduation"
* "lifepartner"
* "marriage"
* **Minigames**
* "Puberty game Female start"
* "Puberty game Female end"
* "Puberty game Male start"
* "Puberty game Male end"
* "Parts game start"
* "Parts game end"
* "Parts game win"
* "Reproduction game start"
* "Reproduction game end"
* "Reproduction game win"
* "Intercourse game start"
* "Intercourse game end"
* **key**: char. Name of different sub-events within each event. Varies based on event.name
* **value**: char. Value of sub-event associated with key. For example: for **event.type** "MI", **event.name** "adult", and **key** "age", this variable would be a number indicating the age at which the participant things he/she will reach adulthood.
* **timestamp**: char. Time sub-event recorded, in format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
### demog.csv
Reshaped version of data with **event.type**=="DE" in all_game_data.csv. 378 rows, where each row represents a single student.
* **user.id**: int, range 1-393, 379 values. Unique ID of player.
* **event.id**: int, range 20-7705, 378 values. Unique ID of each event across all games.
* **age**: int, range 10-39. Self-reported avatar age.
* **confirmed.sex**: char, "Male" or "Female". Sex of participant as logged by instructor.
* **self.report.sex**: char, "Male" or "Female". Sex with which student played game.
* **language**: char, "English" or "Kannada". Language in which student played game.
* **school.code**: int, range 1-11. School of student.
### milestones.csv
Subset of all_game_data.csv where **event.type**=="MI", preserving only a few columns. 4,083 rows, where each row represents a single sub-event in a single game.
* **user.id**: int, range 1-393, 379 values. Unique ID of player.
* **event.id**: int, range 10-7708, 1895 values. Unique ID of each event across all games.
* **event.name**: char. Descriptor of event. Possible values are "adult", "graduation", "lifepartner","marriage", and "children".
* **key**: char. Names for sub-events recorded within each event. Possible values are "age", "influencer", "opt out", and "Baby0" through "Baby5".
* **value**: char. Value of sub-event. For example, if **event.name** is "children" and **key** is "age", **value** is the age at which the player wants to start having children. If **key** is "Baby0", **value** takes format "[sex] [age]", where [sex] is the desired sex of their first child, and [age] is the age at which they want to have it. Similarly for values "Baby1" through "Baby5".
### minigames.csv
Subset of all_game_data.csv where **event.type**=="MG". See all_game_data.csv for descriptions. 9,680 rows, where each row represents a single sub-event in a single game.
* **device.id**
* **user.id**
* **event.id**
* **event.type**
* **event.name**
* **key**
* **value**
* **timestamp**
### questionnaire.csv
Data from post-game questionnaires. Unlinked from in-game data. 383 rows, where each row represents a single student (including those not included in game data due to not having completed game).
* **user.id**: char, 383 values. Unique ID of student.
* **age**: int, range 13-19. Self-reported age of student.
* **sex**: char, "Male" or "Female", 1 NA. Self-reported sex of student.
* **male.child.count**: int, range 0-24, 111 NA's. Answer to question "How many male children would you like to have in the future?"
* **female.child.count**: int, range 0-28, 57 NA's. Answer to question "How many female children would you like to have in the future?"
* **child.1.age**: int, range 21-38, 201 NA's. Answer to question "At what age would you like to have first child?"
* **child.2.age**: int, range 23-40, 262 NA's. Answer to question "At what age would you like to have your second child?"
* **child.3.age**: int, range 24-34, 372 NA's. Answer to question "At what age would you like to have your third child?"
* **child.4.age**: int, range 28-34, 378 NA's. Answer to question "At what age would you like to have your fourth child?"
* **liked.game**: char, 1 NA. One of "Strongly Disagree", "Disagree", "Neutral", "Agree", "Strongly Agree". Agreement to statement "I liked playing this game".
* **recommend.friends**: char, 3 NA's. One of "Strongly Disagree", "Disagree", "Neutral", "Agree", "Strongly Agree". Agreement to statement "My friends should play this game".
* **improved.knowledge**: char, 5 NA's. One of "Strongly Disagree", "Disagree", "Neutral", "Agree", "Strongly Agree". Agreement to statement "This game improved my knowledge about my future family".
* **want.more.family.planning.games**: char, 1 NA. One of "Strongly Disagree", "Disagree", "Neutral", "Agree", "Strongly Agree". Agreement to statement "I want to know more about family planning through health games".
* **helped.plan.future**: char, 3 NA's. One of "Strongly Disagree", "Disagree", "Neutral", "Agree", "Strongly Agree". Agreement to statement "This game helps me to plan my future".
* **want.more.health.games**: char, 5 NA's. One of "Strongly Disagree", "Disagree", "Neutral", "Agree", "Strongly Agree". Agreement to statement "I would like to learn about health by playing such games".
* **prior.awareness**: char, 23 NA's. One of "Everything was new", "<25", "25-50%", "51-75%", "76-100%". Answer to question "What was the level of awareness you had regarding information provided in the game?"
* **other.health.topics**: char, 181 NA's. Answer to question "What other health topics do you want to learn by playing this game?"
* **other.comments**: char, 162 NA's. Response to statement "Please share with us any other thoughts or comments you have on how we could improve this game."
[1]: https://github.com/bertozzivill/india-family-planning
[2]: https://familyplanninggame.qu.edu/