## ICE-Scotland ##
ICE-Scotland is part of the International Corpus of English (ICE) group of corpora. As for the other ICE Corpora, the aim of the project is to collect a 1-million-word corpus of spoken and written 21st Century Scottish Standard English. Spoken sources of speech are either dialogues (which include conversations and parliamentary debates) or monologues (e.g. legal presentations and broadcast news).
ICE guidelines state that speakers should be born in the country in whose country they are included and have been educated in English, or should have moved there at an early age and received education in English.
**Number of speakers:** 203, 90F \
**Hours of speech:** Approx 27 \
**Years recorded:** 2013-2016 \
**Data Guardian:** Ulrike Gut \
**Speaker dimensions:** File name, date of recording, age, gender, regional background, occupation.
### Corpus links ###
https://www.icecorpora.uzh.ch/en/joinice/Teams/icesco.html \