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Here you can find the data and code. We also provide information for readers interested in reproducibility (see section entitled "Information for reproducing analyses" below for instructions). @[toc] # Quick links - [Online supplementary materials][1] - [Further information on registration][2] # Full list of contents: Files can be found on - [EL1000-SI.pdf][1]: Document containing all the supplementary information (SI) mentioned in the main manuscript. - **EL1000-DataAvailabilityStatement.pdf**: Document explaining data availability - **EL1000\_reproduce_ana** folder for reproducing analyses, see contents below - **EL1000\_further_info** folder with more information, see contents below - **license.txt** indicates that all of this work is covered by the Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0) license - [EL1000_ms_preprintfile.pdf][3]: Preprint of the paper ### EL1000_reproduce_ana folder Please note that all and only data crucial to reproducibility are shared; see our **data availability statement** for further information. - [EL1000_for_reproduce_conf.csv][4]: Full data for confirmation set. - [EL1000_for_reproduce_conf_withNAs.csv][5]: Full data for confirmation set including rows with NAs in key fields. Used only in the generation of a table in the manuscript, and not for final analyses. - [EL1000_for_reproduce_disc.csv][6]: Full data for exploration set. All of the the other files in this section can be ignored unless you are interested in reproducing the analyses, in which case please look for the "Information for reproducing analyses" section below. - **PNAS.Rmd**: Script to regenerate the paper. - **figures.R**: Ancillary script used by the paper. - **functions-figtabs.R**: Ancillary script used by the paper. - **functions-model.R**: Ancillary script used by the paper. - **map_fig.png**: figure representing datasets on a map, used in the paper. - **pnas.csl**: latex file necessary to format the manuscript. - **broad_strokes_lena.bib**: Contains the latex bibliography needed to reproduce the main paper and supplementary materials. - **r-references.bib, broad_strokes_lena.bib**: Together, they contain the latex bibliography needed to reproduce the main paper and supplementary materials. - **broad-strokes-lena.Rproj**: Technical file used to organize the R project ### EL1000_further_info folder Please note that these documents have been edited for increased clarity. Also, we cannot share reproducible scripts for this section as it would entail giving access to the raw data, which violates agreements with data contributors. Historical documentation of preregistered materials (including scripts) is available in a private component upon request. Contact this repository's administrators to gain access to these materials. #### Files relevant to stage prior to splitting - **EL1000-1-prereg_before_split.pdf**: pre-registration before the split into exploration/discovery and confirmation sets. This corresponds to the final pre-split pre-registration. See [2] for further explanations. - **EL1000-2-split_202003.pdf**: File documenting the final split into exploration/discovery and confirmation sets #### Files relevant to exploration stage - **EL1000-3-reliabChecks.pdf**: Result of a variety of analyses to check reliability of potential input/output metrics - **EL1000-4-modelTest.pdf**: Results of mixed effect models onto the chosen input/output metrics. - **EL1000-5-prereg_zafter_explo.pdf**: Pre-registration after exploration and before confirmation. This corresponds to the final post-exploration pre-registration. See [2] for further explanations. #### Files relevant to the confirmation stage - **EL1000-6-z_confirmation_nonBayesian.pdf**: Confirmatory analyses\' results. #### Files relevant to additional/exploratory analyses - **EL1000-8_homogeneous-datasets.pdf**: Convergent evidence from analysis subsetting to North American infants - **EL1000-7_alternative-algo.pdf**: Convergent evidence for our main results using a different speech analysis algorithm - **EL1000-9_other-checks.pdf**: Additional robustness checks #### Record of literature searches - **EL1000-Non_Normative_Input_review.docx**: Description of the literature search used to determine the evidence for or against an effect of non-normativity on the amount of adult language input in children's environments - **EL1000-Multilingual_Language_Environment.docx**: Description of the literature search used to determine the evidence for or against an effect of multilingualism on the amount of adult language input in children's environments. - **EL1000-Non_Normativity_review.docx**: Details of the process to determine non-normative classification of children #### Other documents - **EL1000-sampling_strategy\_and\_collection\_dates.pdf**: Further details on the corpora, detailing for each group of participants, sampling strategy and collection dates. - **EL1000_Details_on_validation_check**: Further details on evidence of the accuracy of the speech technology algorithm as compared to human annotation. # Information for regenerating the manuscript: Some readers may want to check our materials for reproducibility. To regenerate the reports above, you will need RStudio and papaja. For further information on using Rmd for transparent (knittable) analyses, see Mike Frank & Chris Hartgerink's [tutorial][7]. [For papaja, please follow the author's installation instructions][8]. (If using the recommended TinyTex, please note that installation is a two-step procedure; some of us also needed to install XQuartz and GNU Fortran for R to work.) 1. Go to 2. Click on the line corresponding to "EL1000_reproduce_ana" 3. You should see a button appear above the section of the window containing the list of files, that reads "Download as zip". Click it. 4. Unarchive the downloaded zip. 5. Double click on **EL1000_main_ms.Rmd** file to launch RStudio with the correct working directory (or if RStudio is already running, change working directory into the folder containing Rmd and the other files). 6. Click on the "knit" button near the top of the RStudio window. To knit, you will need to install the papaja package. Note that papaja requires more complex installation. [For papaja, please follow the author's installation instructions][8] If anything fails, the most likely issue will be that you are missing a library. This is easily fixed: In the commands section (near the bottom of the RStudio window), type install.packages("LIBRARYNAME"). [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: [8]: **note! project is currently private. We have already added "/?view_only=50df17fcf0844145ae692c35b78c6b08" to all links so that readers can view contents.**
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