_This wiki is a sub-component of the UBC Group Exam Research Group's Open Science Framework [Project][1]_
As part of the [2018 Foundations and Frontiers of Physics Education Research: Puget Sound][2] conference, Jared Stang and Joss Ives facilitated the workshop "Four-way high-fives during exams: Adding a group phase to provide immediate feedback and increase enjoyment."
Our materials:
* [Slides][3] (if these don't display properly in your web-browser, download them so that you can view them)
* [Worksheet][4]
Additional resources:
* Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative 2-pager on running two-stage exams: http://cwsei.ubc.ca/resources/files/Two-stage_Exams.pdf
* Catherine Rawn's post on two-stage exams which features links to three newsletters published in the EOAS or PHAS departments:
[1]: https://osf.io/fn8dr/
[2]: https://www.compadre.org/per/conferences/FFPERPS/2018/
[3]: https://osf.io/cw49m/
[4]: https://osf.io/3ecfb/