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*Between 3 and 8*, *(from) 3 to 8*, and *3 through 8* are members of a natural class of what we’ll call range expressions. The *from/to* and *between* cases have come up in the modified numeral literature (notably in Nouwen 2010 and Buccola & Spector 2016) but the class as a whole hasn’t been a focus of investigation. But range expressions have notable common features that merit recognition and don’t follow straightforwardly from standard assumptions. Among them is the ability to occur outside of cardinality contexts, and even in the absence of numerals—indeed, *through* never expresses cardinalities. Building on Geurts & Nouwen (2007), Nouwen (2010) and others, we propose a unified generalized quantifier analysis of range expressions that predicts their distribution and that provides evidence that some of them, like modified numerals, may lexicalize a modal component and exploit a specialized cardinality predicate that encodes maximality.
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