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A Coding of Social Class for the General Social Survey (GSS Methodological Report No. 125)
Date created: 2017-07-31 03:00 PM | Last Updated: 2020-05-29 05:23 PM
Identifiers: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/9NKRW | ARK c7605/
Category: Project
Description: Morgan, Stephen L. 2017. “A Coding of Social Class for the General Social Survey.” GSS Methodological Report No. 125, National Opinion Research Center, Chicago, Illinois.
This project provides a coding of EGP social classes that can be implemented for data sources, such as the General Social Survey, that utilize the 2010 US Census occupational classification. The associated report explains the rationale for the coding as well as the specific coding decisions. It demonstrates how to implement the coding for the General Social Survey, and it presents a comparison o…
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