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**In this repository...** Analysis output are presented in this repository. ERP and set files are not available, as participants were not informed of their data being placed on a repository. **Data details** - All data files on this repository were created through the second level analysis using [LIMO EEG][1]. - H0 and tfce folders contain essential information on the bootstrapping and correction computations. You can not image the results from the present study without these folders/files. - Rep_ANOVA_Factor_X.mat contain main effect results from the ANOVA. X represents the factor number. 1=emotion, 2=fixation, 3=emotionXfixation. - In the mixed model analysis, there is also a group/task factor (Rep_ANOVA_Gp.mat), and group x factor analysis are labeled "Rep_ANOVA_Interaction_gp_Factor_X". - ess_X.mat contain data from the follow-up F-contrasts. A text file can be found in the repository outlining which files correspond to which contrasts. - The LIMO.mat file contains all information about the study design. - For details on the organization of all data files from LIMO EEG, please see [THIS][2] website. **Using this data** - To visualize results and open up the F/P values in LIMO, you must use the View Results > Image All functions. The P (pvalue) and F (stat values) will appear in your workspace once you close the image. - All files must be situated in the proper way (i.e., how they are organized here in the repository) when using & calling the data in LIMO. For example, you must have the Yr.mat, LIMO.mat, H0 folder, and tfce folder, along with all the relevant factor, interaction, and contrast files in your main analysis folder (which will then be your workin directory in matlab). - If you want more details on how you can use the data in this repository, please do not hesitate to contact Amie Durston ( **Publication** Itier, R.J., Durston, A.J. Mass-univariate analysis of scalp ERPs reveals large effects of gaze fixation location during face processing that only weakly interact with face emotional expression. Sci Rep 13, 17022 (2023). Please also see [Neath & Itier (2015][3]) and [Neath-Tavares & Itier (2016)][4] for more details on the original study. For your interest, here are other repositories for LIMO re-analyses projects: - [Datasets for: Emotion, gender and gaze discrimination tasks do not differentially impact the neural processing of angry or happy facial expressions – a mass univariate ERP analysis][5] If you are interested in replicating the re-analysis, or have any questions, please feel free to contact Amie Durston ( [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]:
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