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REASON4HEALTH - Irrational mindset as a conceptual bridge from psychological dispositions to questionable health practices  /

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Description: This work package focuses on the development of assessment tools for measuring familiarity and frequency of use of traditional, complementary and alternative medicine, as well as frequency of non-adherence to official medical recommendations. The findings are published at and Please cite accordingly.


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Input from stakeholders

Within this task, we organized two focus groups - with medical practitioners and TCAM practitioners - to obtain information on the most frequent non-a...

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Initial list of NAR and TCAM practices

Using input from focus groups, literature search and content analysis (WP1), we created the initial lists of items for assessing the familiarity and f...

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Construction of short NAR and TCAM instruments. The findings are published at Please cite accordingly.

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WP2 Dataset

We administered the initial NAR and TCAM instruments to a convenience sample from the general population to obtain data on the frequency of use of the...

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iNAR analytic scripts

This component contains complete analytic code to reproduce the results of the iNAR publication, including both data transformations and data analyses...

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TCAM analytic scripts

This component contains complete analytic code to reproduce the results of the TCAM publication, including both data transformations and data analyses...

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Final NAR and TCAM instruments

Analyzing the data from the pilot study we selected items for the final NAR and TCAM assessment tools to be used in WP3 and WP4. The findings are publ...

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iNAR manuscript supplemental material

The findings are published at Please cite accordingly.

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TCAM manuscript supplemental material

The findings are published at Please cite accordingly.

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Communication materials

Communication materials for the study exploring the familiarity and use of traditional, alternative and complementary practices, as well as intentiona...

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