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The purpose of this project is to examine relationships between Big Five personality traits and the inclination to hoard and buy impulsively daily necessities to prevent COVID-19; and the psychological aspects that mediate between them. I write the plan for this survey at the time of 28/4/2020. >Participants We will ask about 600 Japanese adults (equal sex ratio and over 30 years old) living in Tokyo metropolitan areas to participate the survey. Before the survey, we will ask them to consent to participate in the online survey. These sample sizes are decided to do power analysis, refer to Shahjehan, Qureshi, Zeb, & Saifullah (2012). >Survey period In Early May, 2020 >Survey method We make the survey form on the website of Freeasy ( and conduct the web survey. >Ethical considerations This project is approved by the Ethics Review Committee at Teikyo Junior College (Application number 17). >Scales and variables - The items about hoarding and buying behaviour ## - TIPI-J (Oshio, Abe, & Cutrone, 2012) - Short form of Big Five scale (Namikawa, Tani, Wakita, Kumagai, Nakane, & Noguchi, 2012) ## - Dispositional greed scale (Masui, Shimotsukasa, Sawada, & Oshio, 2018) - Cooperation from multifaceted cooperativeness scale (Tobari, Shuto, Oyama, & Nao, 2019) - Justice sensitivity inventory (Tham, Hashimoto, Schmitt, & Karasawa, 2019) - Self oriented perfectionism scale (Sakurai & Ohtani, 1997) - Barratt Impulsiveness scale 11th (Kobashi & Ida, 2013) - Brief self-Control scale (Ozaki, Goto, Kobayashi, & Kutsuzawa, 2016) - Beck hopeless scale (Tanaka, Sakamoto, Ono, Fujihara, & Kitamura, 1998) - Perceived vulnerability to disease scale (Fukukawa, Oda, Usami, & Kawahito, 2014)
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