Main content
- Ashley K. Randall
- Casey Totenhagen
- Claudia Chiarolanza
- Emanuele Basili
- RIchmond Aryeetey
- Eran Bar-Kalifa
- Michael Boiger
- Susan Dianne Boon
- Audrey Brassard
- Silvia Donato
- Katherine Carnelley
- Mimi Fitriana
- Stanley O. Gaines, Jr.
- Barani Kanth
- Evangelos Karademas
- Gery Karantzas
- Tamas Martos
- Jean Carlos Natividade
- Petruta Rusu
- Selina Andrea Landolt
- Marie-France Lafontaine
- Anne Milek
- Katherine Péloquin
- Ana Paula Relvas
- Pingkan Cynthia Belinda Rumondor
- Sultan Shujja
- Burcu Ucok
- lesley verhofstadt
- Tom Burke
- Gyesook Yoo
- Susanna Joo
- Luis Botella
- Luis Angel Saúl
- Alvaro Quiñones
- Carla Ugarte
- Arobindu Dash
- Barbara Horvát
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Category: Project
Description: COVID-19 is the newest type of coronavirus, which gained global attention when an outbreak occurred in Wuhan, China December 2019. Since December, at least 125 countries have a recorded case of COVID-19. As such, global prevention measures have been taken, including quarantines and travel bans (World Health Organization, 2020). This study aims to understand the effects of a global stressor (COVID-19) on individual and relational well-being for individuals in a romantic relationship.