### Exercises & videos
**7. rorcid: 1 hour**
* This lesson is required. It will cover authenticating your ORCID key, finding ORCID iDs with names, affiliation, emails, keywords, works; getting and cleaning biographical information, and getting and cleaning employment information.
* Access the `rorcid` Jupyter Notebook at [![Binder](https://mybinder.org/badge_logo.svg)](https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/ciakovx/ciakovx.github.io/master?filepath=rorcid.ipynb)
* Skim the [rorcid](https://ciakovx.github.io/rorcid.html) webpage. Much of this content is identical to that on the Jupyter Notebook.
* Watch the [rorcid video tutorial](https://youtu.be/elxtFVGoUMI) (1 hr.):