+++ Face Part Tuning in IOG +++
This repository provides data and code to reproduce the results of de Haas et al., 2021 JNeuro (Inferior Occipital Gyrus Is Organized along Common Gradients of Spatial and Face-Part Selectivity; https://www.jneurosci.org/content/41/25/5511). This includes code for the voxel-wise fitting of face-tuning parameters, adapting and modifying the [SamSrf][1] algorithm for fitting population receptive fields. Specifically, we specify a 1-D Gaussian model which is fitted using an extensive parameter grid search plus a GLM for amplitude fitting (which is a lot faster than the usual gradient descent). Additionally, we fit individual hemodynamic response functions to the data in a 2-pass procedure and calculate a null distribution of fits using white matter time courses.
Please unzip and copy all files and subfolders into one directory. From there you can run the provided MATLAB code.
Please note that the /data folder contains a total of 8 zipped subfolders. Also, please make sure your unzip tool doesn't create doublings in the path structure (as in data/S1/S1/...).
IF YOU DON'T WANT TO RE-RUN THE MODEL FITS OR REPLOT MAPS, YOU DON'T HAVE TO DOWNLOAD THE /data FOLDER (which is ~16GB when unzipped). Rerunning the model fits requires MATLAB's optimisation toolbox.
Please note you will need a working copy of SPM on your MATLAB path (tested with version 12). If you don't have SPM installed, please download it from here and copy it into the /dep folder: https://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/software/download/
See Readme.txt for further details
benjamindehaas@gmail.com 03/2021
[1]: https://osf.io/2rgsm/