Main content
- Brian A. Nosek
- George Alter
- George Christopher Banks
- Denny Borsboom
- Sara Bowman
- Steven Breckler
- Stuart Buck
- Chris Chambers
- Gilbert Chin
- Garret Christensen
- Monica Contestabile
- Allan Dafoe
- Eric Eich
- Jeremy Freese
- Rachel Glennerster
- Daniel Goroff
- Don Green
- Brad Hesse
- Macartan Humphreys
- John Ishiyama
- Dean Karlan
- Alan Kraut
- Arthur Lupia
- Patricia ("Patty") L. Mabry
- Temina Madon
- neil malhotra
- Evan Mayo-Wilson
- Marcia McNutt
- Edward Miguel
- Elizabeth Levy Paluck
- Uri Simonsohn
- Courtney K. Soderberg
- Bobbie Spellman
- James Turitto
- Gary VandenBos
- Simine Vazire
- Eric-Jan Wagenmakers
- Rick K. Wilson
- Tal Yarkoni
- Victoria Stodden
- Alexander C. DeHaven
- Ella Boycan
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Category: Project
Description: The Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) Committee met in November 2014 to address one important element of the incentive systems - journals’ procedures and policies for publication. The outcome of the effort is the TOP Guidelines. There are eight standards in the TOP guidelines; each move scientific communication toward greater openness. These standards are modular, facilitating adoption in whole or in part. However, they also complement each other, in that commitment to one standard may facilitate adoption of others. Moreover, the guidelines are sensitive to barriers to openness by articulating, for example, a process for exceptions to sharing because of ethical issues, intellectual property concerns, or availability of necessary resources.
Reproducibility of research can be improved by increasing transparency of the research process and products. The TOP Guidelines provide a template to enhance transparency in the science that journals publish. With minor adaptation of the text, funders can adopt these guidelines for research that they fund. The guidelines are the output of a meeting held in November 2014, organized by the Berkeley…
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Tools for Transparency in Ecology and Evolution (TTEE)
This site offers tools that can be adopted by institutions to help promote transparency in ecology and evolution. At this point, these tools consist o...
TOP Resources - Evidence and Practices
This component contains curated resources relevant to journals implementing the TOP Guidelines, evidence of barriers to replicating scientific finding...
Making Science Transparent By Default
This project contains meeting agenda and logistical details
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