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Should Teachers be Accurate or (Overly) Positive? A Competitive Test of Teacher Judgment Effects on Students' Learning
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Category: Project
Description: Here, we provide all additional materials (including data and codes) to the following article: Should teachers be accurate or (overly) positive? A competitive test of teacher judgment effects on students' learning. The folder "Additional OSF materials" contains - information about the sample (OSF Material 1), - descriptive statistics, psychometric properties, and correlations of all variables of interest in the three studies (OSF Material 2), - description of HAMLET-S (OSF Material 3), - the description of data assessment and data preparation (OSF Material 4), - details about the analytical approach (RSA & IT) (OSF Material 5), - the definition of the full model (OSF Material 6), - and the detailed results on student and class level (OSF Material 7). The folder "Open data, open code, research transparency" contains - all data and code needed to reproduce the analyses reported in the manuscript.