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**Combating recent pandemic of COVID-19 - An urgent Solution** *Indrani Roy, UK* This article investigates whether the weather has any role in spreading the COVID-19 and how that knowledge can be used to arrest this fast spreading disease. It highlights that Temperature and Humidity both are extremely important for transmitting the virus- temperature being the stronger factor. A dry, cool environment is the most favourable state for spread of the virus. In fact, high temperature environment significantly reduces the risk from the virus. Regulating Temperature and Humidity level can provide drastic results to stop and arrest the outbreak. Some urgent solutions are proposed based on that knowledge. The novelty of such approach is- it can be applied overnight and implemented immediately across the globe. It is very cost effective and practically without side effects. No vast amount of funding is required to adopt these measures. These actions are likely to reduce the spread of the disease dramatically and it is expected that these measures will be implemented on an emergency basis worldwide. **Solutions:** Following urgent measures are proposed to stop and arrest that outbreak: 1. *Using the Sauna facility:* Usually hotels, gyms, leisure centres etc. have existing Sauna facilities which people can start taking advantage of immediately. Mobile and Caravan Sauna facilities can also be considered by higher authority. High temperature is very unfavourable for Coronavirus spread. 2. *Portable Room Heater*: As temperature is one prime factor for the activity of the virus, portable room heaters can be of great benefit. People can be close to a portable heater with comparative high temperature for say, twice a day and preferably for half an hour. Being portable in nature, it can be moved around and many people can avail that facility in a flexible way. 3. *Regulate air conditioning for room temperature:* People could maintain the room temperature a bit higher than usual as the virus reduces activity at high temperatures. Checking comfort level, a high temperature threshold can be maintained inside old care homes, health centres, offices, schools, colleges and hospitals (other than special treatment units where the cold temperature is essential or recommended). 4. *Using Blow dryers:* Take hot air on the face a few times a day. 5. If possible, regulate the humidity of the room too: Though temperature regulation is easily possible for most locations worldwide, humidity is not. As humidity also has roles, using dehumidifier facilities can add extra weightage for combatting the virus. Old care homes, health care centres and hospitals can keep dehumidifiers for additional protection. Vulnerable patients and old people can maintain that facility inside their homes. These five measures are likely to reduce the spread dramatically and hope that these practices will be implemented on an emergency basis worldwide. (See the full analyses in the complete text)
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