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Description: We aim to investigate how temporally stable retrospective self-reports of childhood maltreatment (using the CTQ) are over a 2-year period and if and to what extent they are negatively biased by current depression symptoms. Thus, we correlate longitudinal 2-year changes in the CTQ with longitudinal changes in the BDI. We introduce and validate an adjustment procedure of CTQ scores corrected for depressive symptom severity for the application in personalized medicine. This OSF project contains the complete analysis plan that was derived a-priori before the sighting of the data. Further, the study data for the two samples included, and a comprehensive analysis script and the resulting output will be made publicly available here after completion of all analyses.


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Pre-analysis manuscript

A study manuscript version before the sighting of the data, including hypotheses and analysis strategy

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Analyses script

Contains the full SPSS syntax for all study analyses

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Study data containing all CTQ and BDI questionnaire data and all covariates used in the analyses

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