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A developmental investigation of eye movements during a serial spatial memory task /
Data and Analysis
- Candice Coker Morey
- Silvana Mareva
- Jaroslaw Roman Lelonkiewicz
- Nicolas Chevalier
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Category: Data
Description: The .html file (view by loading in a web browser) presents a summary of our findings. Embedded in this summary is our analysis code. See the .Rmd file for these details. The processed data files called in the .Rmd file are provided. These include behavioral and fixation data (.csv extensions) and Bayes factor ANOVAs (.Rdata) files. In our script, the Bayesian ANOVAs are commented out so that new analyses are not performed. Instead, our saved analyses are loaded. To run a new analysis, simply uncomment the analysis line and do not run the line loading the saved analysis. We provided pre-cleaned, anonymized data files. Rawer data is available upon request. Age data is crucial to this analysis, but our calculation of age started with birthdates and session dates. To protect our participants' confidentiality, we will not release this information publicly. The calculation of longest common subsequences in our supplementary analysis was performed in a preliminary step to the data posted here. For this we used a custom function kindly provided by Moreno Coco (see Coco and Keller, 2012).
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