Data and code for paper titled "The impact of feedback on perceptual decision making and metacognition: Reduction in bias but no change in sensitivity"
Both data and code are in MATLAB (tested on version 2018b), as well as R and JASP. Here is a guideline to the files/folders (there is a folder for each of the 2 experiments:
MATLAB folders:
-analysis_exp1.m or analysis_exp2.m: analysis file that reproduces statistical tests and majority of figures from the paper
-data.mat: the raw data in .mat format
-Figure3.m and Supplementary_Figure4.m: script that produces Figure 3 from the paper and Supplementary figure 4 from Supplementary Materials.
-gd_subj_task1.mat and gd_subj_task2.mat: filtered good subjects included in analyses for Experiment 1 (Task 1 & 2), called by the analysis file
-helperFunctions folder: useful functions that are called by the analysis file
-metaResults.mat: computed d', meta d' and Mratio for all subjects, called by the analysis file
-HMetad2.mat: computed hierarchical d' and Mratio from HMeta-d toolbox (Fleming, 2017)
-mixed_between_within_anova.m: mixed ANOVA script that is called from analysis_exp2.m for Experiment 2
-Preprocessing folder: includes data file and all necessary scripts that clean and transform data for analysis of Experiment 2
R and JASP folders:
Include data files and script used to reproduce figures from manuscript that were created in R, and data files for Bayesian statistics run in JASP