This study was conducted online ny using a google form. There was 101 participants. We made sure that the number of participants was enough for us to use it for our analysis.
On the ground of an alpha of 0.05, a power of 0.95, an effect size of Cohen’s f of 0.64 and of 4 predictors to measure the interaction between SES, CRA and Life stress with the score of depression as our dependable variable. With G*Power we found that the estimation of the total sample size was 23 participants (Faul, Eldfelder, Lang & Buchner, 2009). However, we will follow the guideline of CREP and reach 100 participants.
Participants will be reached by social media (Facebook) through friends and acquaintances that will spread it to others (snowball sampling method).
We asked for people's race to follow the authors analysis. Indeed, race is a covariate in this study. This choice is based on the authors' analysis. For the race questions, we followed the guideline of census for the United Kingdom and the United States, and the recommendation from census is different for the two countries. Although, we will code and analyze the data from both countries the same way by forming two categories : caucasians and other (regrouping the data from the United Kingdom and the United States).