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We conducted a multiple regression analysis with self-esteem, self-esteem and gender independently, and the interaction between gender and self-esteem. We found in our study self-esteem being a negative predictor (β = -.581, p<0.05) for how safe people perceive Facebook to be. However, we also found that self-esteem was not a significant predictor of how participants viewed Facebook as a place to express themselves (β = 0.084, p>0.05), or a place to connect with others (β = 0.309, p>0.05), and lastly there was no significance in people perceiving benefits of disclosing on Facebook versus in person (β = -.254, p>0.05). When we observe the results for our gender analysis we find that the variable, opportunity to express on Facebook, and the variable, perception of Facebook’s safety, did not have any significant interaction with self-esteem. The variable the opportunity to connect with others did not have an interaction between the two predictor variables, however when gender was split, women were marginally positively significant (β = 0.560, p<0.05), indicating women with higher self-esteem find Facebook allows them to connect with others. The only variable to show any significance with the interaction between self-esteem and gender was the variable that measured if participants found benefits disclosing online over in person (β = -0.407, p<0.05). We gender was split to see how much women and men were accounting for the significance men were negatively significant (β = -.797, p<0.05) indicating that men with lower self-esteem do see benefits disclosing over Facebook versus disclosing in person, whereas there is no significance in women.
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