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![Open refine logo]( **Are you struggling with cleaning and organizing your large data sets?** Consider registering for our upcoming workshop introducing participants to using OpenRefine for data cleaning. OpenRefine is an open source application for data cleaning and transformation, also known as data wrangling. OpenRefine allows you to view and manipulate large quantities of data, making it an excellent tool for wrangling big data sets. By the end of this workshop, participants will gain experience conducting key data cleaning practices, including: * Removing duplicate records * Analyzing the occurrence of values throughout a data set * Clustering and standardizing values * Separating multiple values contained in the same field * Joining multiple values contained in separate fields _This session is part of the [Pathways to Research Data Management series]( --- ## Activity Instructions **Pre-class activities:** 15 min **Face-to-face presentation:** 15 min **Face-to-face activities:** 60 min **Presenter:** Shahira Khair ( --- **Step 1: Pre-Class Videos, Readings, & Exercises** * [Install OpenRefine]( (follow the instructions for your operating system) * [Watch Introductory YouTube video]( **Step 2: Download In-Class Active Learning Activities & Instruction** * [Presenter slides]( * [Activity instructions]( * [Dataset 1: Samuel Maclure]( * [Dataset 2: McTaggart Cowan]( **Step 3: More Resources, Post Class Assessment & Course Feedback** * [Using OpenRefine guidebook]( (E-book available from UVic Libraries) * [Online Guide to OpenRefine]( (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign Library) * [GREL Recipes]( (OpenRefine Github webpage)
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